Meringue Tower/Gingerbread Crossroads

Friday, January 27, 2006

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good morning singapore!

i don't suppose there are still readers out there who don't know i'm back!
but just in case,
*deep breath*

i'm back! hurhur.

Okay. i'm updating. Whats with all these people telling me i don't update my blog! Its as preposterous as me spelling "fillal" as "filial" for the past 20 years of my life! (thanks janice... *scowl*) I just updated in November or something? Hungry readers. *mock dismissal + eyes rolled*

It was a nice morning just ... 30 minutes ago. Then something happened. I think schoolkids. Arp. Hurray. As i'm typing this, construction work just began. You guys are a bunch of jinxes. *throaty growl*

I decided mornings are worth waking up early for. :) haha. i write the most amazing and stupid sentences. (amazingly stupidly, stupidly amazing, watever) On days like that where i'm forced to wake up at 8, i am rewarded with a cold morning. Yes. COLD morning in singapore. Thats just two rungs below striking toto. Gentle sunshine. Ahhh. How i wish i had a bigger window so i could just open up the entire room. You should have seen the way i slided my window open, so full of gusto. hurhur. i should be in drama.

On drama, i think i might consider a late career in acting. After watching our heartland Ai De Zhang Men Ren @ 9pm weekdays, i realised that i could thrash the entire cast (jacelyn tay being the only possible exception) with regards to acting. What is up with local tv drama! I've only been away for 6 months and they're churning out scenes like :

1) Chen Hong Yu (the antagonist) is double-crossed by his wife and gets caught by the cops for embezzling. When the cops appear as he is trying to catch a flight, he has ZERO reaction time, and immediately turns around to his wife, whips out a finger in the GTO manner, and says " Shi Ni Chu Mai Le Wo!?!?!?" PAINED LOOK.

2) Jacelyn and Fiona were happily chatting and suddenly sees the news. Oooh. News : Ann Kok, their sister just got caught for a nude run on the streets. Their reaction? Once again, ZERO REACTION TIME. Jacelyn goes (determinedly) "I'll go bail her out" and Fiona (from her nose of course) " Wo ye qu!" . Erm. Where's the shock? I mean if her getting arrested isn't already shocking enough, what about the nude bit? I don't know bout them, but i was, genuinely, caught by surprise. Nude run? Ann Kok? wow. Zhen de ma...?

Come on singapore. We can do better than that. I know we aren't the brightest audience around but when arson, interrupted wedding ceremony, nude run, public stripping, numerous attempted suicides, rape, murder, commercial crimes , 3 Sisters + 1 Mom hugging scenes all happen in a SINGLE SHOW (mostly congregated in the last 3 episodes. help.) , something IS wrong.

And its a show called "Ai De Zhang3 Men2 Ren2". The little snippet before and after ads have them wearing bridal gowns in a pinkish heart-filled background smiling to a most heart-warming tune and WOAH. their life decides to go HK drama for awhile. I mean this really isn't the most typical singaporean family ya know. Our scriptwriters should seriously get out of their caves and maybe walk down to our HDBs and live for awhile.

And one thing i absolutely dislike about singapore tv serials is the terrible dialogue.

Firstly, we don't speak like that. We don't say "Wo gen Ta zhi shi Wu4 Shui3 Yin1 Yuan2 er yi." (We had an affair) We don't say " Wo Men Xu Yao Ni De. Ni ke yi gai guo zi xin de. Wo men bu hui fang qi ni de. " We don't use PROVERBS in our daily conversation! Okay i do. But NOT ALL THE TIME. (holy moly, the schoolkids are singing SHOU QIAN SHOU!! wahahahah!)

Secondly, we don't always speak in undiluted Mandarin. I know i know. Its not exactly GOOD mandarin but thats the way we are. So maybe its time to sit down and consider what our direction is? Persist in this unreal, distant, FOREIGN mandarin or maybe allow something closer to our lives like Singlish? Yes i know the concerns we all have. But the shows could portray the different classes in our society too, there is the lot which speaks english, the lot which speaks chinese (beams), the HUGE lot which mixes both, and we could all learn. Break down all language barriers. We are THE bilingual country ya know. so Channel 8 meets Channel 5. We could just have Channel 13 and quality tv. Hurray. *smirk*

Its all very idealistic i know. And shows in singlish seem to already determine its fate of being not-very-deep. I get that impression when i see shows like I Not Stupid. But i'm still gonna catch the sequel. Nice trailer. :) But cheesy line ("A form of education"??? --- jack neo has this problem of trying to hard to slam the theme in your face but well we have to appeal to certain masses as well. so i understand his dilemma.)

Alright! I'm going for KTV now. Seeya all!

btw, there's this certain 'grey' who left me a comment just recently. Ey who are you ar? haha. :P sms me @ my new number ok?

anyone who needs to contact me , my new no. is 9887869X.
where X is the value in 0X/01/1985 - my birthdate. work it out.

my old number 92399567 is cancelled.

Next blog : We talk about love.

1/27/2006 09:09:00 AM