Meringue Tower/Gingerbread Crossroads

Sunday, September 25, 2005

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(btw, this is my 200th blog entry. CHEERS! )

I'm feeling a little bit Fei4 Xiang2 now.
[Fei Xiang [fae seang] a phenomenen named after a not-so-famous celebrity : where a person resurfaces in a (blogging) scene after a long time and doesn't know if people remember him/her anymore]
*heehee. I rock!*
I must admit that i don't really check people's blogs nowadays cos Proxify can sure be a pain in the ass. Its getting swollen-headed, just cos alot of people rely on it nowadays, it has decided to work only periodically for unregistered users. *grumble*
So sorry to the blogspot users. Do update me if something important has happened in your life through email.
*discovers a small piece of his wrapper in his mouth while he sucks at his honey sweet. this sweet totally rocks. my aunt got it fer me. yay!*
And i DON'T see anyone commenting at my last post. I AM ASSUMING THAT USING PROXIFY DOESN'T ENABLE ME TO READ COMMENTS. Cos if it DOES and i DON'T see ANY comments, I SHALL NOT UPDATE THIS BLOG ANYMORE. *scowl*

I had the motivation to blog cos i've just experienced the once-in-a-lifetime...
FUDAN CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY (means fudan's 100th birthday)

My goodness. I am in awe. I have never seen EVER something of such grandeur for something like a SCHOOL celebration.

Firstly we had Andy Lau come over to Fudan to perform in June.

Then we had the entire school decorated with posters, with massive Zhong Guo Jies', with pots of flowers hanging from the lampposts, new gardens and new roads.

Then we had an international principals conference where principals from NUS, Yale, OXFORD (*grin* dele) and another 60 over schools came over. And following that were individual presentations of gifts from the respective institutes to Fudan.

Then we had a Musical Fireworks night the day before the actual celebrations. And my god, although i didn't get tics for it, the news telecast the next day left me gaping. It is comparable to our NDP fireworks. (i wonder where the budget came from though)

Then 2 bike-free days in Fudan because we were expecting 70,000 (okay plus minus one zero) members of the alumni. It really hit me when i saw this granny wearing the Fudan t-shirt that i just bought - you could really feel all that fudan history coming back.

Then the actual celebrations. Its UNBELIEVABLE.
It was held at Guang Hua Lou this skyscraper erected in the middle of our campus, facing our Main Entrance.
There was a GIANT LCD screen.
Fire-spitting words "1905" and "2005" .
Another two LCD display screens at the side.
World-class sound systems.
We had artistes like LIN ZHI XUAN, ZHANG YU (Phil Tsang), YU QUAN (china group), REN XIAN QI (er...) , ZHOU CHUANG XIONG (aka Xiao Gang) and a few more china artistes. We had LIU XIANG (OLYMPICS CHAMPION).
We had WU BANG GUO (the head of the Ren Da Chang Wei Yuan Hui - i dunno how to translate that to english. some big shot after the PM and Chairman) gracing the ceremony.
I quote an ABC friend of mine : " Its majestic. "
I quote myself (grin) : "Its SUPER EXAGGERATING LAR. "
And things just got better when i noticed something while i was running to the actual venue for the ceremony (only ticket-holders could go in. didn't have a ticket i had to watch 1/3 of it beyond the cordontapes).
I SAW A BLEEP. issit called a bleep? The ship-like hot air balloon? It said : " Fudan Centennial Anniversary : " or sth like that.

I only managed to watch the final dressed rehearsal live. but i watched the rest of the actual ceremony at our school sports stadium where a live telecast was displayed using ANOTHER 2 LCD Display Screens. (i love GIANT LCD Display Screens)

My favourite part of the show besides the appearance of all the celebs, was the very first segment when the Alumni Choir, the Master Students Choir, the Doctorate Students Choir and the School Choir led the entire Fudan in singing our school song.
The stage held also , 100 flag-bearers which held proudly our Fudan school flag in a splendid array of colours; my female classmates who each held a huge maple leaf (?!)(dun ask) ; all the previous (and living) Deans of the school and the kids who presented them with flowers.
It was overwhelming. Such a bonding. I mean i haven't been in the school for a month, and i'm already in love with it. Probably a sucker for glamour but i bet there's some part of me that was really touched. heh.

And of course , there were fireworks BEFORE and AFTER the actual ceremony. ridiculously extravagant! I LOVE IT. *smeagol look*

And i've got pictures to prove my words (:

The flags all over the campus (check my hair out! its unstyled i KNOW. the COLOUR stupid.)

The posters on almost every tree and lamppost

The full dress rehearsal on the eve of the anniversary 230905 : Night and Day

The REAL thing. My senior caught this shot. Its a bit blur but she totally captured the extravagance and explosiveness of it all . SUPER SHOT.

Man. Even loading up the photos get me all breathless.
Although i couldn't be at the actual location of all the hype and fun, but watching it with my singaporean friends at the sports stadium was pretty cool too. I was quite high (not without a bottle of korean white wine and nuts . hehe)

I'm really proud of this school and i'm bloody fortunate to be able to get in here just when its our centennial anniversary. The luck.

Fu Dan Fu Dan Dan Fu Dan!!

9/25/2005 07:11:00 PM