Meringue Tower/Gingerbread Crossroads

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

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i'm back!
i didn't plan to blog but i've got 25 min until i knock off and i have absolutely nothing to do. okay if i were to go do stuff like refill paper in the photostating machines i would have something to do. BUT i need to stay by my reception counter cos i'm waiting for my Speedpost guy to come collect my package. Just a glimpse into my exciting life as a errand-runner/office boy/receptionist/operations clerk/boss' PA. teehee.

so i'm popping these HUGE, CRUNCHY, DELICABLE (is there such a word? louis tan!) $10/kg, GREEN grapes into my mouth ( fyi : i bought it myself *for all u presumptious tramps*) as i type this. The only reason why i churn out the slacking details from my worklife instead of my experience of having 4 hours of continuous work multitasking (picking up phone calls, filing, issuing delivery orders etc) IS because i dun like to whine. i prefer to brag. hahaha. and all u people who prefer to think i'm living off my aunt's boss status can be DAMNED RIGHT for alllll i care. haha. as long as i get my money without the guilt. *snorts*

O! B! N! O! X! I! O! U! S!

(oh the speedpost guy jus came. done. ahhh. a day's work done. feels goood.)

okay. i'm going HK on friday.
surprised at how last minute this is? I AM TOO.
its ridiculous.
i refused a trip when my aunt asked me if i wanted to go. (cos too last minute to do my excuse recall forms etc.)
she said 'ok'. (which i assumed meant i successfully rejected her)
then she called again at night and told me she booked the trip.


yes. exactly. exclamation mark. her reason being (to my other aunt) : he really wants to go, i know it.
okayyyyy. works for the hedonist society maybe. but i am in the ARMY.
so scurry scurry. rush rush. got the documentation done.
it gave me a major adrenaline rush (plus the ai wo sakebu chat i had with zhao and dele which made me really happy for that whole night. i was unreasonably nice to everyone on msn.)

so the thing is im going HK. im not getting anything cos its only fm friday noon till sunday noon. which is really short. :)

my MAIN agenda is sakebu-related.
According to zhao, the movie is still showing there! can u imagine! if i could SIT in the theatre and watch the movie?! orgasmic. zhao and i are quits if i manage to watch it since he has had the liberty to rewatch the show again cos he hold the vcd. dang. AND i am looking for the special DVD box set or any posters of the series.
YAY. i am officially obsessed with the show.
My life is glorious all over again.
I like being crazy over seemingly trivial things. it makes feeling happy so much easier. and any sadness in my life is comparatively insignificant to the tragedy of Saku and Aki. *drama look* haha.

bought John Legend's album. Its good. :) Comparable to Alicia. Tho i probably prefer alicia for her more daring attempts during composition and groove. And i like her voice much much better. John's more classic. More sway. More big black women singing background kinda feel. Not gospel like. Just traditional and being good with the basics. That is for how much i know about R&B. its not really my genre.

Wo Ai Ni. Rang Wo Qu.
Wei Zhi De
Ren He Ming Yun ! *pained look*
okay i gotta knock off. tatz.

3/23/2005 05:01:00 PM